Tamariz de Campos

Where is it?

Spring in Tierra de Campos

Tamariz is a small municipality of the province of Valladolid (Spain) that is in the land region of Campos, in Castile.

Tamariz location in Spain

Geographic location: Lat: 41° 58' 0N, Long: 5° 1' 0W, Altitude (meters): 728

Topographic map to locate Tamariz

Weather forecast (Valladolid, 50 km southeast) can be seen at wunderground

Tamariz is located at the northwest vertex of an equilateral triangle whose other two angles would be located in the cities of Valladolid and Palencia, at a distance of 50 km from both cities.

Its municipal term has 38.14 km2 and borders on those of Villanueva de San Mancio, Medina de Rioseco, Moral de la Reina, Cuenca de Campos, Villabaruz de Campos, Castil de Vela and Belmonte de Campos, these two last ones pertaining to the province of Palencia.


Map of the surrounding villages and roads

The town occupies a small hill, next to the left margin of the Sequillo river.

The land is flat, with smooth and continuous undulations, very few trees, and dedicated in his almost totality to the cereal culture (barley, wheat, oats).

The passing of the "Canal of Castile" (branch of "Campos") through the municipal term of Tamariz, creates a small oasis of water and vegetation that contrasts with the surrounding dryness.

According to the last census its population is of 108 inhabitants, but its past speaks to us of more buoyant times. Thus, for example, the Geographic Dictionary of Madoz (year of 1849) refers that it has 400 houses and that its population is of 91 neighbors or 367 souls. In the census of 1950 has 539 inhabitants.



The road VA-920 goes to Medina de Rioseco (11 km towards the south) and connects with the highway N-610 near Villafrades de Campos (12 km to the north). An asphalted way takes to Cuenca de Campos and Villalón.


Tamariz from the west

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