Tamariz de Campos

Interesting buildings

House with Inquisition coat of arms - XVIII century
Tamariz is not a very well conserved village, nor with castles or palaces that call the attention of the tourists, but if we look with attention when walking by the streets, we will be able to find very interesting samples of architecture of past times. Most of these buildings are made in brick and they date from XIV to XIX century. In contrast with the taste of our ancestors by the well done things, their descendants have not known to conserve his legacy, so the state of many of these constructions is sometimes quite lamentable.

I believe that almost all the houses of Tamariz that even conserve their traditional aspect and have not been covered with cement or equipped with ugly aluminum windows could be included. For this reason, I only try to show some examples of the most original constructions than I like of the historical and traditional architecture in Tamariz.

I will refer to the following buildings:

  • House of the San Antón Square, with coat of arms of the Inquisition (XVIII century)
  • City hall - XIX century
  • Building called " the Palace "
  • House of D. Juan del Mazo, with coats of arms of XVIII century
  • House of the Mayorazgo, with coats of arms of XV century
  • Grain warehouse called " La Florida "
  • Other singular houses and buildings

House at San Antón Square

Inquisition coat of arms - XVIII century This coat of arms which we see drawn at the left can be found in the facade of a building that is in San Antón Square (a photography is shown in the head of this page).

In spite of its deterioration, still can be appreciated the brick decoration that forms the front door and the pretty balcony (of which it seems to lack the railing) of its main facade.

According to my knowledge, the coat of arms means that his possessor is "familiar" (means "relative") of the "Santo Oficio" (the Inquisition). These "familiares" were permanent agents of the Inquisition, not paid, but with a series of fiscal and judicial privileges, which put in knowledge of the court the cases to examine.


Thanks to Rogelia Escudero, by the drawing of the coat of arms.

City hall

Building constructed at the end of century XIX, being mayor Carlos Blanco, surely in the place where has always been from ancient times the City hall.

It is located in the high part of the town, with his main facade in which always has been known as "el alto", that years ago was officially baptized like "Constitution Square" and more recently "San Pedro Square".

City Hall

It is a construction of brick and tapial, with two heights, square plant, with a small patio in his interior. It is acceded to him through a small soportal with three arcs.

The noble room of the building, destined to the meetings of the Municipal Council, is just upon the soportales of the entrance. Lamentably, their deterioration by the time and the lack of conservation, cause that nowadays it cannot be used.

One of its dependencies (the ground floor, to the right of the soportales) lodged the School of Girls in the first years of century XX.

The School of Boys was in a brick building, today disappeared, at the left of the City hall, where today it is the medical doctor's office.



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